Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Where should the world capitol be?

A. Rome
B. Berlin
C. Washington DC
D. London
E. Make a whole new city
F. Other
Results next sunday

I plan to divide up the world

I plan to divide up the world, give nations to people who remain on "good standing" with me get a nation or two. So if you see me dividing up the world on my blog, you will know why.

I have a poll

I thought up a question to ask all you, just comment for the answer.

Who was the best Emperor in history

A Julius Caesar
B Alexander
C Hannibal Barca(he was not really a emperor though, just a general)
D Xerxes of Persia
E Attila the Hun
F Nebuchadnezzer of Babylonia
G Napoleon
H Other
Results next sunday.

Hello I am Jonah or Imperator D'Mundus(Which means Leader of the world in latin.) I came to always joking (or maybe not) to take over the world and become dictator and maake my allies in speech and debate into the leaders of the nations below me.I think I have Roman blood in me, or maybe just Italian, but if I do I think I have a mind of a Emperor.