Friday, May 11, 2007


The next person I am going to review is Lazarus. Lazarus has never been quite sure about the conquering Business, often times he wanted to overthrow me. But none the less, when I gave him The Caribbean,Mexico and Central America, As well as many Armies, He had to look past my Evilness and join the FAE. Lazarus didn't even know about the conquering until after point Loma. It was at class once when I gave him his first territory, Mexico. At Santa Rosa I gave him more Power, but he had some doubts. After a long debate about Conquering, we both gave up, and he got more territory and a Army group. Total, Lazarus has The N.Pole, Mexico, Caribbean and Central America. He is a Full, Five star general. He is in command of the FAE Marine corps, and the FAE* Corps of Sharp shooters, and a Army group. I can depend on Grand Admiral, He is one of my very best Soldiers.Now for the rating.

*FAE is our group, the First American Empire

TOTAL- 210