Monday, May 14, 2007

Should we punish Patrick?

If you speak out against me and join Patrick, may the War gods bring death on you!:) I have been good to him! I make him my chief political advisor, which HE said is better than any territory, but then he wants the Galapagos! He said I won't ask for more because this my favorite place,, PLEASE Jonah? So I give him those stupid islands, would that please him. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! He asked for Madagascar, WHICH I GAVE TO HOLLY! Holly, you could have had the Philippians, Singapore AND Madagascar, but I HAD to give him his "other" Favorite place. Finally, I think he is content. But when he doesn't get Hawaii in the contest, WHEN HE SAID I DO NOT CARE IF I WIN! When he does not win he goes off and cries, So I have to "appease" him and I give him command of the FAE Commandos, Six divisions and rank of LT. General and says "Thanks, I will never speak out against you". But now???? He will use the commandos to hunt me down and snipe me in a parade or something! I give him something, and then he wants more! I do not get it! If you thought his out rage on Hawaii was bad, well, this new one! He not only does it on me but on you! Yes on you! He hates you all! First, he calls Catie names like, Feminist, Gloater, and a lot of things I do not wish to repeat because they are mean! Now, I do not mind being mean to most the world, but all of you, Fellow Toucheans? It is cruel! Then, after TONS of comments about hating Catie he says KAYLA SHOULD DIE! Could you believe it! He said Kayla should DIEEEEEEEEEEE! It is evil and rude! He plans plots on attacking your houses! Shooting you with Airsoft guns! and Tearing you apart with insults! To arms, He hates YOUUUUUUUUUUU! nd he tries to cover it up by saying I told him to! He betrayed you all! I will write more later!!!!


Debater said...

NO no no no nono nohonononononooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Can't you fools see?????? I'm undergoing persecution for the EMPEROR"S sake! even now he instructs me tyo say something arrogant! I am his ccreated enemy, I only do this to cause descenscion which causes you to be excited over his blog!!!!! Events + things happen+ excitement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't want to kill Kayla, this is like telephone!!!!! I said Catie should take Hawwaii for herself, and might aws well kill her now!!!! Anyway, lord Timothy- Why should you care?
See those statements- there must be 50 comments because i have made these upstarts!!!!! Please, rid me of this burden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hol said...

*laughs* Brothers *shakes head*
You guys are funny.

If you want to get rid of Patrick just let him behind the wheel of a car and tell him to 'just have fun'...

Debater said...

Actually, we did that to jonah when he was a baby. kinda. My mom was about to back up when she decided to get out of the car and saw him playing behind the tire.

Holly, you prove my point, I rest my case. It's FUNNY!! It causes popularity and descencion. I dont really think that, See?? oh, and what would you do, lord danford, should I insult Catie or Kayla
(whichever you were fuming about)

Grenadier said...

Don't do anything to him because he didn't do anything. \

To quote the Bible, do on to others as you would have them do on to you.

Debater said...

Thak y. I am glad some see my view.

Debater said...

I mean, thank you. problem with comments is you cant edit them

Debater said...

for all of you who voted, please remember to comment and proclaim that all of those votes were yours, otherwise jonah will say i did them all. thank you for your support in troubleing times!

Grenadier said...

Wow, talk about exadgerating ( spelling? ) Jonah. I'm still with you but thats kinda going overboard.

Thrawn said...

Patricks is fine. He did nothing wrong. Okay, maybe telling someone to die is kind of wrong but I think that was exaderated a bit. If patrick goes, I go.

Drama Queen said...

"do on to others as you would have them do on to you."

I toataly agree. let us take this debate on with a christian perspective. words have no teeth, so no one is in violation! let bygones be bygones. start with a fresh page, a clean slate ect.

pink princess said...

my goodness!!! whatever happend to brotherly love???

Thrawn said...

I doubt there was brotherly love in the first place. Who ever wrote that in the bible was being sarcastic. Thats gotta be it...

As far as christian perspective... jonah is taking over the world. That in itself is not a christian perspective.

Imperator said...

Can't you see! He is our Enemy! Kayla, He wants you to die! Catie, he has INSULTED you! You must see!

Thrawn said...

Alright jonah, you took this too far. If patrick REALLY said those things (which I highly doubt he did) then this 'game' of taking over the world has gone to far. He probably said it in the 'game' sense of things. You yourself (jonah) told me you would have my head. This game is fun, but you can take it to far. Don't create a wall between you and your brother just because of a game. Not wise.

Grenadier said...

For the first time i can remember Thrawn, Agreed.

Drama Queen said...

yes, i agree those were AWFUL things to say, especially to the likes of Kayla and i, but dont worry about it. all is good.

Imperator said...

Okay, you have a good point. BUT, He still insultd you and Kayla. We can't ignore that!

Debater said...

IT looks like democracy has won the day.I completely agree with you on 'brotherly love ', thrawn.

furthermore, imperator, Catie herself said it was no big deal- there's something more you want ou t of it. you just use this as an excuse for your own agenda- you just want to smite me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

micheller said...

Ummmmmmm, i don't know what to say, so i guess i shouldn't get mixed up in this cat fight!
< W
: ><
< M

ok, that was supposed 2 b a cat. If u tilt ur head and use creativity, its a cat. :D