Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Empire news

Hello, this is your imperial news reporter at the top of the hour. The emperor has returned from a long campaign in Willits, which was largely successful. After his success his approval ratings went up, as well as the people's opinions on his foreign Policy. The Emperor is now preparing to embark on a trip to Alaska, More on that later. We will take a brief commercial break, More in a moment, this is Empire news. Now a word from our sponsers. Brought to you in part by Ask the Thing: The random side of our world.

Ambassador Michelle Rolanex sighed. "Something is happening. I am not the leader I should be. My people are dieing, And I cannot be with them." Christopher Dantor walked up "You have done all you can do. It is now up to the Senate to decide their fate."
Coming this fall
The fighter crashed into the command center. The Pilot climbed onto the smoldering ship "Come on Zach, Jump out!"
The greatest blog story in History, is coming right on the emperor's blog
Thousands of soldiers, Marching, one footstep all at once. Kayla glanced at Timothius “So this is it. This shall be the invasion of Neapolis.” Timothius Acrenus nodded.
The Empire: Episode I
Coming to blogs in October
We are back on Empire news. In a few days the Emperor will be going to Alaska to negotiate with the local tribes. More infromation later, this is empire news.


Grenadier said...

Will the Emperor take his Imperial Guard with him? ( Hint hint )

Thrawn said...

You failed to mention me... pitty... ;)

Look forward to the story!

Imperator said...

You will be in the story Lazarus. You will like it a whole lot when you here the synopsis.

Thrawn said...

Heh heh, thanks imperator. I'm sure I will.

Hol said...

Heeeey at least my shameless advertisements didn't say mine was better than yours *menacing glare*

Thrawn said...

The thing has made a... statement about the constant "Shameless Advertising". You can view it at . This is an advertisment for an Anti-Advertisment statement... odd...

micheller said...

ambassador michelle rolanex? is that wait are you like turning your blog into an oyi and clari type thing, but stories about the emperor?

Drama Queen said...

Wow... *Muses to herself* i wonder where the inspiration for this blog came from..* looking foward to it

Debater said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Debater said...

Well, you might have asked permission,jonah , but yes, pretty much everyone will be in it...
And though this shameless adveritsing is well...*ahem* a bit much, I do have to say, things are taking this too seriously.

And isn't that shameless adverisement in itself? *points to Thrawn's comment*

Lady Arwen said...


The reason we (the staff of oyiandclari) deleted your comment was because we have established mechanisms for advertisments. If you wish to have an advertisement on the said website, please email one of the writers or staff and request a slot. We would be more than happy to accomodate you.


The OyiandClari staff

atalie said...

umm i haven't been to ur blog in a reaaly long time. what's going on??? oh and are u going to camp wente in willits? cuz if u r thats cool... i went when i was like 10 when it was like family camp week.

pink princess said...

i'm confused too. wud anyone care to explain??

Big Red said...

hey i haven't looked at this blog in a while. Am i in your story. If i am, i hope you cast me rite, if that's the rite word.