Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Empire news

Some people are mad about Our Imperator's decision by giving away Hawaii. There have been Riots, one demonstration was made At his house. There also have been talks of relieving Patrick of his command. More in a moment, this is Empire news


Debater said...

You'll be sorry if you do....

Thrawn said...

Ha ha! Brotherly Criticism...

Rebel Trooper said...

I am perfectly satisfied with whatever you do sir.

Grenadier said...

empire news on talk 910 KNEW :D

Thrawn said...

Are you really satisfied with WHATEVER he does, Xanatos?? What if he went and killed HK-47? Or if he decided to tear up your favorite Star wars book?? Or if he decided Gun Control was a National law??

Yes, I am being sarcastic. No, I am not testing your loyalty. And Yes, I am joking. :)

Drama Queen said...

to bad everyone are all such sore losers.

Thrawn said...

Well I think we should all get over it. I mean it's nothing to argue about. It's just a peice of land none of us will ever own.

Drama Queen-
it might be easier for people like patrick not to be sore losers if people like you did not put the fact that they won mutiple times in CAPS. :)

Imperator said...

Yeah, everyone is!

Drama Queen said...

And what is wrong with rejoicing in CAPS, may I ask? Patrick should just accept his fate.... AND I WON HAWAII!!!! Ha, CAPS again!