Monday, May 7, 2007


I will be reviewing each co-emperor, about them. So stay looking. Congrats again Kayla and Catie!!!!!!!


Thrawn said...

Nice. I'll keep checking up. By the way jonah you made one too many posts today :)

Grenadier said...

coepmeror, kinda like Vice President?

Debater said... guys should be mad..

Grenadier said...

why would we be mad??

Debater said...


Grenadier said...

how so?

Debater said...

Refer to my comments under the post "THe winners"

Drama Queen said...


Debater said...

You don't need to GLOAT!!!!! There's a certain emperor who's been doing it all day, despite the fact he didn't win any 'contest'!

Imperator said...

I gloated because you were going on and on about that you had to have it and that I proved I did not have to.

Thrawn said...

A little up tight, Debater?

Imperator said...

Patrick, control your temper!

Debater said...

No way!!!

Debater said...

Government controls have never been good....

Imperator said...

Or so you think!

Thrawn said...

I have to agree with Debater on that one. Government controls have never been good. I mean, we have had a few good presidents but even then the senate was pretty bad. Let me reprase that... the senate was, is, and always will be 'pretty' bad.

Rebel Trooper said...

Am I a Co-emperor?

Thrawn said...

Your not a co-emperor!! Your that mean old wolf! In all seriosness(spelling?) you are a co-emperor.

Imperator said...

Yes you are a co- Emperor. As is Chris, Anthony, Lazarus and Zacchaeus. The Co-Empresses are Kayla,Catie and Michelle. The Eight of you are my high officials. so What title do you want? How 'bout "His lordship Timothy Danford". I thought it sounded pretty good.

Debater said...

What about me, hmm? what about me? Why is it I am always left out???? I see you FINALLY added me to your 'allies'....ONLY because you were forced to!...All that I ask is that I have some title....everyone seems to have something to their name.....