The next person I will review is Her Greatness, Lady Michelle, Ruler of South America. Michelle was one of the very first to get into the conquering, having been told at Santa Rosa debate. She was told at the same time of Kayla. Though in a earlier post I said Kayla's Reaction was shocking after I told her, Michelle reaction was the funniest. It was, first off the shock of me wanting to conquer. It was never thought of,Patrick's little brother, Little Jonah, Would want to kill Billions of People!!!!! After that, I went on a long rant(You could here more about those, Just talk to the People that went to Point Loma), But when I said "I will destroy all in South America, Peru, Brazil,Ohh, And that Evil Venezuela I hate them, Bolivia, Ecuador..." Then Shouts. "No, Not Ecuador!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" It was Michelle, who went on some Mission trip there. While there, For Reasons I do not know, Became friends with the Savages, I mean Friendly Ecuadorians. After much debate I Finally said I will spare them and Make her Queen of Ecuador. More talk happened, until after Santa Rosa IE did I give her more Territory, All of South America. Michelle has been Loyal, I could never remember once that she wanted to Depose me. Michelle is another of my great leaders, and I want to give her a Government Position. It has Been great Having you with the Empire Michelle! Thanks for the Hours you spent Listining to me go on and on, thanks to everyone! You all are great! Now for the Rating
Hey jonah, i just wanted to clear a few things up:
1: my contentment should be at LEAST 95, cuz i am perfectly happy with what i own, do you recall a conversation on a blog some time ago?
2: i never said i was supierior to YOU, just males in general.
3: i did know about the domination thing at Santa Rosa cuz michelle told me, but i didnt get anything for reasons yet unknown to myself.
kk, just wanted to make these facts known, and michelle voted herself ceaser 17 time by the time i wrote this comment!
Hail Jonah! I'm Goosey Miss Lucy of the Geese. Does Tahiti still belong to me?
i voted ceaser 4 michelle, who did the barbarian? i think that you should take the barbarian off for the girl reviews sence it's not really possable for us to be anything less then ceaser. ;)
i agree with kayla 100%!!!
Okay, I will update Contentment. Okay, Glad you said it about being Supierior. That is okay about Michelle, I vote everyone Caesar 6 times. Good point Kayla, But Patrick would go on another of his Rants How I favor You all over him and the Rowlands\Bensons Cannot be trusted, it sorta gets on my nerves. As I stated, I voted everyone, Including you, Caesar 6 times.
Kayla u r so right! Jonah is it patrick that votes all the girls barbarian? :D?
Yes, that is his policy, Childish if you ask me!
WHAT???? as a matter of fact, I just voted Caesar. Though I'm not so sure. I don't think I'll put up with this feministic spiel for much longer-"supurior to men in general"????? Face it, girls- it's a society dominated by men!! ANYthing less than Casar, hmm?? WELL I'll point out, CAESAR WAS A MALE! How then, could a male who is so unworthy, be the top of the mesuring stick. I don't see joan of arc up there! WHY?- she was burnt at the stake!
Emperor is staring over my shoulder sying "its too mean!" I wouldn't insult, but the one thing I can't abide, its a feminist. Well, I guess i can't abide other things,....
Feminisim... I gotta post on that one......
My policy??? No, if they weren't so feministic, I'd lavish with Caesars. But anyway, I don't judge on that scale- It depends on how good of commanders they are. that's what were'e rating,, right? I don't say 'be nice to tthe girls'like emperor I rate on the same standard,
☺ i ♥ michelle!!!
caesar all the way!!☺
to debater:
caesar is the measuring point because it means ruler!!!
it could just as well be "empress" or queen or wuteva
and if u keep ranting like that, u won't have any friends, female or otherwise
1 Caear was a male, the term Caesar, meaning leader, was made because HIM!!!!! No one was ever called and 'Elizibeth' or 'Joan' the word casar was derived from the name caesar. further, Caizer, the german leader, and Czar, the russian, were both derived from CAESAR. that is how great this male is, who is the top of the mesuring stick. You aspire, then, to be voted and ranked, MALE.
2. So it couldn't of been empress
3. And I do know girls who have the common sense to realize they are not supurior. And I still do have friends of both sexes, so there!!!!!
oh yeah-
phaorah was a girl,
so why couldn't caesar?
Because A- Rome didn't work that way,
B-Pharoh never was a girl, that was Pharohess, who was only such when every male pharoh else died. King rules- queen serves
C and Caesar was the name of Gaius Julius Caesar, who was so great, that every roman emperor after him Caesar, whish still stood as male. When Caesar Claudius died, not Nero's mom, but Nero became emperor. BTW, the emperor is with me on this one!!
Ok patrick, lets deal with this little opinion of yours.
1: you hate feminists. thats like having a girl hate a.... a mananist! (or in other words, the same as a feminist, only a male) it isnt right for a girl to like guys better, and it isnt right for a guy to like girls better.
2: The term ceaser is really meaning great, or a good leader, not a manly ruler. how do u thinks ceaser ever was even alive???? HIS MOM OF COURSE! plus, i am pretty sure that girls like ceaser salads more than most boys, so it can be a girl thing.
3: W/out girls, theres no guys. sorry to break the news 2 u, but u got to face it. guys may dominate a LITTLE bit, but always remember this: the guy is the head, and the girl is the neck. the neck can turn the head any way it wants. (plus, girls make better moms!)
aha! I just checked ur profile! That's it- you hate politics! if u liked politics ud understand!!!!!! but no, you go on unconcious of politics in your feministic ways
Alright! Enough fighting! (Even though it amuses me =D)
Let me clarify some things
1) Caesar (plural Caesars), Latin: Cæsar (plural Cæsares), is a title of imperial character. (wikipedia)
Ceasar is not necessarily gender specific. Leading to point 2.
2) "I don't see joan of arc up there! WHY?- she was burnt at the stake!"
While her name may not be used as a title, neither are a lot of great men's name. This is no way means her legacy and her death are insignificant because she was a woman.
And Caesar was killed by his best friend. Go figure.
3) As far as the whole women being superior, I'm gonna have to play devils advocate and side with the guys on this one. While I don't believe men are 'superior' to women, I also don't believe women are superior to men. I do believe however, that men were created by God to be leaders, and women as 'helpmeet' (All the more reason for men to appreciate women, this is not an excuse treat them as inferior.) There have been some very good women leaders, however (and very bad ones too, but same with men, so non uniqueness there) but all the same, men and women are equal, but play different roles. (Catie--the word you're looking for is "chauvinist" And they are annoying.)
Wow...that was long...and at this point I'm not even sure if what I say makes sense anymore. =P Well..gotta get back to good ol' homework...
Hey, is there room for a diplomat in the Empire? Just kidding. =P
right right RIIIGHT!!! see???? Ceasers friends didnt like him! and holly, for the first time ever, i must disagree. NEVER GIVE IN!!!! GIRLS ARE AWSOME!! (with the exception of Hilary Clinton)
Good point Holly! But Debater you are Wrong in some areas.
1. Politeness is a Virtue
2.Remember Debater, Woman make Great leaders too, and with the way you are acting, some might be better than you.
3. Supierority, I am Supierior, and all(Minus a few) In Touche are supierior.
ok, ok. i give in. holly and imperator are right. Jonah is superior, girls AND boys rock, and NO more fueds!
Whoa boy...lots to go over....Emperor finally got off...
Let's take drama queens first response:
1. okay...but that doesn't account for supuriority
2.Caesar is NOT a term meaning manly or a great leader!! How many times do I have to say- the reason Caesar is #1 on the poll is because Julius Caesar, a dominant male figure, was great. so great that every roman ruler after was called Caesar. A figure of Manly-ness set the standard of supuriority.
Caesar may not have existed w/no mom, but he needed a dad,too! that point equals for both sides and therefore they cancel out.....and jonah likes Caesar salads....
3 your little line from 'big fat greed wedding' dosn't get you anywhere. Sis quotes all the time. no valid premise that woMEN are neck. Anyway, if Man is head, then he sends brain signals from the medula oblongata to his muscles and turns the neck. Sorry to break it to you, but without guys you would have no way of existing.
Now to Hol
1.Refering to my point above, It is a term for emperor because of a male.
2.My point on Joan of arc was just that most things like the title 'caesar' are because of males. When it comes to dominating the world that job has been generally occupied by males. Not saying no female can take part in it, but thus, Males have set the standard and therefore, your aspiration to be called Caesar just shows how you aspire to be like a male whilst you condemn them by stating u are better than all in general. and brutus was not Caesars best friend, a friend, but a false one. Jesus was betrayed by a disciple. So what does that prove?
3. I agree with you on there. Man was ment tto lead and woman was ment to be his 'helper' according to the Bible. We men really couldn't get along without women. Who would be our servents anyway? But in all seriousness, the bible said that the women would submit as man was the head. The man would then take positions like Caesar, while the women would raise kids, stay at home and do basically everything a mom would do. Sometimes they do step out , like with women athletes. I probably sim mush slower than all women olympic swimmers. that doesn't make them supurior. but you can't just say no girl here could be rated lower than Caesar because women are supurior to men.In the arena of conquests, Men have come first. A woman can be rated Caesar, but she has to earn it. and finally in response to jonah:
1. yes, it comes out clearly in you
2. some. they have to earn it
3. Not me
COURT OF JONAH??? YES!!!!! I've always wanted to see what one of these sessions looked like
Gave in gave in??? just as I posted that....Even after ykou said never give in. (my turn 2 gloat) HAHAHAHAHAHA!! VICTORY IS MIIINE!
"Ought to be the freedom of the debate...for it is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at the truth, fulfilling the great duty we hold to God and our country"
-Patrick Henry.
See- FEUDING IS good.
*sighs* I can never pass up a good debate..
1."Refering to my point above, It is a term for emperor because of a male."
But Caesar was not his name. His name was Julius (or Augustus, depending on whom you are speaking of) Sure, they're the most famous Caesars, but still, that's like saying "Pharaoh" automatically refers to a man Usually refers to a guy, but there have been some females.
I'm sure Jonah did not set up the ranking system to be gender specific to guys and THEREFORE I agree with you that the ranking system should remain the same for both.
2. We don't aspire to be "Caesar" because we want to be men, we would want to be "Caesar" because that's the highest rank on the survey thingy. If the title "Teletubby" meant the most superior rating, we'd want it. (What a frightening thought)
Touche on the Judas point.
3. "Who would be our servents anyway?"
0_o Cooold.
I completely agree with your point 3. Women are not superior to men. Men, however, should treat women with respect, not as servants. Likewise, women should respect men's authority and not treat them like idiots...even if sometimes...well...nevermind. =D (none of you fall into the idiot catagory)
Anyway, it looks like we basically agree on everything except a few small nitpicky details, so we can leave this post alone and you can go rank me "Caesar" some more times =D Hehehe. Just kidding.
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