Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Have any questions on the Emperor's blog story? Or on the Empire ? Well here it is!

For the second time in imperial history, the Emperor is hosting a press conference on blog spot, so YOU can ask questions on the Empire! You will get all questions answered, Have a question? Have it answered. Tomorrow, it will begin. I will be available at five on Wednesday, four on Thursday, four on Friday, and twelve and eight on Saturday. Highlights include, but are not limited to: Emperor's story, copy rights, what he is doing in blogs, territory distribution and being allowed into the upcoming story.



Thrawn said...

ha ha, sounds good. It also sounds like a publicity stunt... jk :D

Drama Queen said...

I have questions, do i ask them know, or later? cause im kinda confused...

Imperator said...

Well then, Ask!

Drama Queen said...

Okayyy.... What is my character like? I know i dont show up till later, but i want to know what its like. Also, what is the plot of the stories?? Is michelle a bigger character than me cause she has more land?

Imperator said...

You are a rebel leader, in star wars terms (Which is how i genericly base my story off of) you are like Leia. Except there is no other twin and I don't talk about when you were born. So, you pretty cool, I am looking foward to writing about your character. The Plot is very confusing, similar to star wars but way different in others and is ten times more complicated. You will find out later, sorry. I can't give that away yet. Michelle is NOT a bigger character, though she appears in more episodes then you, she is only a major Character in the first two, mainly I. (Sorry Michelle!) Michelle only got more land because she asked first, but you will probably be getting the US, it's up for grabs.

Thrawn said...

Ahhem... You said I got the USA... Oh well, I don't care as long as mexico stays mine. I mean, Mexico will have taken over California and Texas by then through imigration, so I get the two biggest states in the US anyways...:D

What about my character Jonah?

Drama Queen said...

Don't worry Thrawn, I dont really want the US.

micheller said...

Wait...what is the deal on my character?? i dont get it...is this story like a warped version of star wars?

Thrawn said...

Hopefully not... we wouldn't want the emperor to ruin star wars... If that's your plan, Jonah tonight you will be vistited by three spirits, the spirit of star wars past, the spirit of star wars present, and the spirit of star wars future.

Imperator said...

It's not ANY version of star wars, I am taking ELEMENTS of star wars, like Catie is simmilar to Leia. And Lazarus, the story is great. Tim and Chris like what I showed them of it, you probably will like it too.

Thrawn said...

So what is my character like?

atalie said...

sooo who am i in it?

atalie said...

(u said i was in it right?)

Imperator said...

Your character is a fumbling doofus

And he will become more stupid the more you insult me and my story.

Imperator said...

That's Lazarus, I mean

Atalie, you are the head of the royal guard to michelle

Thrawn said...

My character is a fumbling doofus???? Come on, Jonah, I told you NOT to make it so realistic! :D

But, seriously, am I really a fumbling doofus? In the story that is, I know the answer for real life.

Imperator said...

In the beggining, but later on you become a neat Character. Just in the beggining, or if you insult my stories...(Joking)

Drama Queen said...

hey jonah, is the story ready yet? Because personaly, i would rather read your story than ask questions about it. i am looking forward to it!

atalie said...

so is michelle like somebody politically important that i have to guard?

Imperator said...

Correct. You are Lieutenant Atalith Halpane, leader of Michelle's royal bodyguard.

Big Red said...

And who am i? Tim and Chris said something about Han Solo, which i hope is true because he's my favorite character in Star Wars.

Debater said...

rumors are true- you are like han solo, meaning you don't come till later...

Drama Queen said...

Did the Moff Council get deleted?

atalie said...

sooo... in this story michelle is like natalie portman (queen amadala) and i am like kiera knightly (one of her bodygaurd ppls). cool.

Imperator said...

You got it Atalie. Michelle is more like the queen side of padme, and Kayla is the soldier side. But besides that yes.

Big Red said...

when r u going to post this story Jonah? is every episode really 20 weeks long?

Drama Queen said...

hey... remember those leader polls u did a while ago? I think some one has been going on there and voting for themselves, cause chris and Michelle both are voted 80!