Okay, Okay,Okay...
Maybe this went a little too far, but I better just put it to you straight.(Sorry about my Outrage!)
Patrick thinks the following
1. Kayla needs to die.
2.Kayla has too much territory and she might overthrow me.
3. Tim has too much and he is a threat.
4. Chris has too much and he is a threat.
5. Catie and Kayla should not have won Hawaii.
6. Catie is a feminist.
7. Catie gloats too much.
8 He thinks he can overthrow me.
9. He thinks he needs more territory.
I might have exaggerated but none the less, his feud with Catie and comments against Kayla and the Danfords can not be ignored! What do you think?
Let me deflty respond ot your little spiel:
1-I never said Kayla needs to die! that's outrageous! I only told Catie to kill Kayla and take Hawaii for herself! I'm only causing an upstart for you! I have nothing against KAYLA, whoever has the other half, i would have said the same. Like you telling her to whack that mormon skateborder on the head with his board.
2,3,4- I only said as chief Political advisor that you should be carefu just who you give territory to, it COULD pose a threat.
Who wouldn't agree with 5 besides Kala and catie? I really don't care on thet one, it was merely on principle
6 And I don't see you executing HER, even though you rail on if someone else says something half as feministic as "women are supurior"
8-No, I just noticed how everyone came to my defense: so if I wanted to revolt, most of you would back me. I don't think I will, but don't get too cocky.
9-We'll...More territory would be nice...especially since I'm your brother....and you lavish such lands upon mere friends..(nothing against friends, just Im his only brother!)
Finally I submit- I would not even do so much as prick the empire with a needle- my interests are for it. I will state again I have only stirred things up to cause excitement. I hope it was all taken in light.
I agree with Patrick on the most part.
You can have 3/4 of my territory patrick. I really only want a very small island as a military base.
Whoa. WHich 3/4? I really don't care....thanks
i'll take the 1/4 north west
To add to grenadiers generouse offoer (or rather to compete with it) ill give patrick the north pole. Not much compared to grenadiers 3/4ths but its something...
NOW on to the current subject.
1. He never said that Kayla needed to die. He said so himself. If he did I would agree with you (jonah) in that what he said was wrong. But he did not say that.
2-3-4. Agreed with patrick. Chrim is my best friend and are also friends of yours, but friends don't matter in the game of "world domanation". Just like brothers don't matter in the same game.
5. Also agreed with patrick. The votes were biased. Nothing against anyonem, just stating the facts.
6. Well... telling everyone females are better kinda gives that impression...
7. She does like pushing it in that us other people lost...
8. Well if you keep treating him this way I might join him and we might be able to start a rebellion... :D
9. Grenadier and I solved this problem.
You exaggerated a little too much this time jonah.
Thank you so much for your generous offers. I can't say how much I apreciate your support. I don't think I could take Ellesmere...Maybe only a little to acess the noth pole to. And I would like to agree with the north pole. How about you own it, thrawn, and I have a monopoly of hotels and tell global warming kooks to come up here because in thirty years it'll be warmer. what a racket THAT could be if they buy into it.
PLEASE take 3/4. I seriously only want a small island or something as a military base. i don't like big spaces.
heh heh I like the idea debater... how about we split north pole %50 %50? Grenadier, I'll take your 3/4ths :D
Thrawn: NO.
Debater: PLEASE!!!!!!!
If anyone was gonna over throw you, it would be me. How can you run an army w/o oil? I have middle east and canada!! lol...
True Anthony!
Indeed, he should learn to hold his tounge.
Well that was an odd post.
Poor Kayla, who would want to overthrow her? I mean come on, this is kayla we r talkin bout! She has a mean foot that kicks u hard! beleive me, i have a scar on my leg from her shoe!
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