Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Secretary Needed

Secretary NEEDED!!! I need to have one, so if someone wants the job, Just ask!


Grenadier said...

could you explain the position a bit more?

Imperator said...

Umm..secretary..You get paid and have to write papers, fetch things, saend orderders..kind of like an aid. And also, like modern sevretaries you see in offices "so and so called..' etc.. Kind of a boring job, I don't think you'd like it. I'd also prefer if secretary was one of your only positions, as it is pretty full time. You have quite a few things to do, which reminds me- would you lik to command the FAE motorcalvary? (Armored Motorbikes with sidecars and mounted swivel guns)

Grenadier said...


Drama Queen said...


Drama Queen said...

since i am not going to be incharge of anything else, i would be glad to hold this position

Imperator said...

Drama queen, you are most likely going get the job.

Drama Queen said...


ItalianMamma said...

After you hire a secretary, perhaps you should hire a maid?!!

pink princess said...

what other positions do you have open??

Imperator said...

Good job on Hawaii, You name any goverment job and I will consider it. I need a Aide(Though I mean Milatary aide, so that kicks you out.) But for the present, I don not know. I need someone to be my Secretary of state. But there are LOTS of other jobs! Thanks for commenting!