A Song
For you quiz people, I am getting one on Tuesday, so be patient. As for now I thought of A song you might like. It goes to the tune "God bless America". Note: This song is not Directed to any Toucheites(With the Exception of Our 'Friend' Justin), Envoyeans, or any Supporter. This song Is directed to People at B. Scouts and other People.
God bless the Emperor
He is the Best
Fight beside him
Don't override him
Or you will end up with an Ax in your Chest
Or you will be drowned
Or get a Firing Squad
Or have a Rope Around Your Neck!
God Bless the Emperor
The whole world 'Round
YOU bless the Emperor
Or YOU won't stick around!
Well, what do you think? Oh, No body Commented on the 1812 overture I have on the background of the blog. If you listen for a while you can here Cannons go off at the end And the Les Marseailles in the Middle. Can't wait to see all of you at the Touche Party. Except you won't be there Claire, THAT IS WHY YOU SHOULD JOIN TOUCHE!!!!!!!!!! Oh well. See Most of you on Sunday!!!
Nice! i like the song
lol, i love it
Very nice.
By the way, Do i get to choose the rifle to issue the troops under my command?
(To debaters comment in the last post, i am going to the BBQ )
Nice song...remember WHO made it up....And you mixed it up, remember, there are two "threat" 'God bless the emperor' songs' Maybe A third...
OF course you know I like 1812, and I hear that part.....oh, grenadier, I would venture to guess you have a price limit and the choice is yours. His Greatness is sensible in such matters. Maybe no price limit, as Military will be primary for him and we can always loot the villagers.
See you This afternoon!
Yep'. See you later
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