Empire news
Keep checking my blog because I Blog a LOT and I only thought of my blog three days ago.
There may be a decision that changes the WORLD, or mean the DEATH OF YOU!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA! Just kidding!
This is the blog of the emperor-A blog that shall change the world
Keep checking my blog because I Blog a LOT and I only thought of my blog three days ago.
There may be a decision that changes the WORLD, or mean the DEATH OF YOU!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA! Just kidding!
Posted by
1:11 PM
Labels: Empire news
Okay,okay,okay, I KNOW this sounds odd but it is quite
Normal. ANY SUGGESTIONS???????????????????????????????
Should I be stabbed or shot? Assassinated? Die in Battle? Anyways, give it some thought.
The Emperor
Posted by
1:02 PM
Labels: Polls
I now announce mt plan to invade South America. After my Hugo Chavez scam(Which I will tell you personally) I invade Mexico and Central America and overthrow their weak governments by using my tactics, which I will tell you later, I Invade South America by four invasion routes: 1. Ecuador, I shall use these People as my foothold, send them as scouts and skirmishers to tell me the ways of the land, I will personally take command of that army. They will then march up with 350,000 men through the north and go to Venezuela to link up with the army from Mexico. My second force will land in the Rio de la Plata, under my General of Army group 1, in command of it will be my friend and one of my most trusted subordinate, Chris,with 220,000 men. He will march up north through Bolivia,Argentina,Brazil and unite with the another army that landed en route of the Falklands and will march through Chile and Argentina. It will be directed by another one of my subordinates, Tim with 280,000 men. While my army goes through the north and recruiting mearcenairies onthe way, Tim and Chris will sweep through the west. For the Touche members I will tell all of this in more detail.
The Emperor, Jonah.
Posted by
12:28 PM
NEW POLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What colors should the flag have.
I would LOVE suggestions!!!
Emperor Jonah.
Posted by
12:21 PM
Labels: Polls
What color should my army's uniform be?
A. Grey
C. Green
E. Black
F. Blue
G.Amour instead.
H. Something else.
I would love comments.
Posted by
11:46 AM
Labels: Polls
Another Question, What form of government. We all know some sort of dictatorship, but how? Should we have an Empire? A Monarchy? A Fascist state? A Complete Dictatorship, Make up our own?Oh, all of them so good but which should I choose? Let us look at the benefits and weaknesses of each one.
Empire. Benefits, It has a neat name. It stays with my ancient Rome theme.It keeps the power of dictatorship but has a neat name. TOTAL POWER IN EMPIRE.
Weaknesses. People hate Empires(Do not ask me why!) the word Empire to stupid people=Evil.
Monarchy. Benefits, Lot of power, you can do what you want.
Weaknesses. Kings sound immature and are too traditional, People hate kings.
A Fascist state. Benefits, Lot of power, People have Zeal for their country(Would we be called "the Fatherland?") Lot of military, GREAT FORM OF GOVERNMENT!
Weaknesses. Fascists have a bad name after Hitler, Fascists are hated.
Dictatorship. Benefits, LOTS OF POWER.
Weaknesses. People hate them.
Make up our own. Benefits, we get to have it exactly how we want. We can be known as someone who did not copy others.
Weaknesses. IT IS A LOT OF WORK.
I would love suggestions.
Your Empreror, Jonah.
Posted by
11:07 AM
Now the big question is which nation should I attack first? I thought S. America And Canada to first create a American empire, then I expand to Asia, Europe and then Africa. Also Greenland,
Australia and other Islands. I will gain my armies by hiring Mercenaries from NATO. If any Touche member reads this Comment or E-Mail me so I can tell you about using terrorists and the Hugo Chavez scam. If I do attack S. America and Canada here our the benefits
1. One third of the world is mine.
2. I do not have to worry about getting attacked by Nations right on the same two continents.
3. Plenty of lumber to supply buildings.
4. Plenty of more soldiers in my army.
5. Communist countries liberated(but replaced with an empire).
6. My Ally Anthony gets Canada as one of his Provinces.
7. My Armies under Chris and Tim get to fight and loot and plunder.
8. My Ally Jonathan gets to execute the nation's leaders.
9. My Ally Michelle gets Ecuador.
So therefore I think I should stick with my plan. If anyone objects they cantell me another plan.
Your leader, Jonah
Posted by
5:48 PM
Now, a big thing is what will my title will be? As much as I like the sound of Emperor, maybe I should have something else instead? And if I do change, what will it be? Anyone can suggest a name. But for now, I shall think of something. How about Dictator, or does that sound too evil to those who have little brains. But those shall be ELIMINATED.(Just kidding!)How about Imperator D'Mundus, or how about Chancellor. Highlord,Overlord,Warlord,Caesar,Supreme Commander. Genrelissiamo? Caizer? The Fuhrer? PLEASE! I am in need of names!
Posted by
4:57 PM
Where should the world capitol be?
A. Rome
B. Berlin
C. Washington DC
D. London
E. Make a whole new city
F. Other
Results next sunday
Posted by
7:17 PM
Labels: Polls
I plan to divide up the world, give nations to people who remain on "good standing" with me get a nation or two. So if you see me dividing up the world on my blog, you will know why.
Posted by
6:58 PM
Labels: Division of the FAE
I thought up a question to ask all you, just comment for the answer.
Who was the best Emperor in history
A Julius Caesar
B Alexander
C Hannibal Barca(he was not really a emperor though, just a general)
D Xerxes of Persia
E Attila the Hun
F Nebuchadnezzer of Babylonia
G Napoleon
H Other
Results next sunday.
Posted by
6:47 PM
Labels: Polls
Hello I am Jonah or Imperator D'Mundus(Which means Leader of the world in latin.) I came to always joking (or maybe not) to take over the world and become dictator and maake my allies in speech and debate into the leaders of the nations below me.I think I have Roman blood in me, or maybe just Italian, but if I do I think I have a mind of a Emperor.
Posted by
6:34 PM
Labels: Empire news